Playing Food Safety Information Game

Food that is unsafe poses health risks, putting everyone at risk. Young children, infants pregnant women, the elderly , and those suffering from an illness that is underlying are the most at risk. Every year , 220 million kids are affected by diarrhoeal disease and 96 000 people die. Insecure food can trigger a vicious cycle of malnutrition and diarrhoea and a decline in the nutritional condition of those who are most at risk.

It was noted that the International Conference on Food Safety held in Addis Ababa in February of 2019 as well as the International Forum on Food Safety and Trade which was held in Geneva in 2019, underscored how important food safety was for attaining those Sustainable Development Goals. Food safety should be a top priority for governments. an important issue for public health, since they play a crucial role in the development of guidelines and regulations, as well as establishing and implementing effective food safety 먹튀검증 and sanitation systems.

Foods can be affected at any time during production or transportation, but the main accountability lies with food producers. But a substantial portion of foodborne illnesses are the result of food that is not properly cooked or handled in the home at food establishments, at food service establishments, or in markets. Food handlers or consumers are aware of what roles they have to play in ensuring the most basic hygiene practices when purchasing or selling food items, and when preparing meals to safeguard their health and the health of their community.

Safe food supplies support national economies, trade and tourism, contribute to food and nutrition security, and underpin sustainable development.Urbanization and changes in consumer habits, including travel, have increased the number of people buying and eating food prepared in public places. Globalization has led to a growing need for a greater selection of food items, leading to an ever-longer and more complex world food supply chain.

Food safety, nutrition , and food security are all closely connected. Unsafe food can trigger a cycle of malnutrition and illness which is particularly detrimental to children, infants old people, the elderly and those suffering from illness. Alongside helping to improve nutrition and food security, a secure food supply can also support economic growth in terms of trade and tourism and encourages sustainable development. The expansion of global food trade, an increasing world population, the effects of climate changes and the rapid evolution of food systems influence on the quality of food. WHO strives to improve on a national and global scale the capacity to prevent recognize and respond to the health risks that come with food that is unsafe.

As the world’s population increases increasing the intensity and industrialization of animal and agricultural production to meet the increasing demands for food creates opportunities as well as challenges to food security. The climate change is also predicted to have an impact on food safety.These problems place more the burden on food producers and handlers to ensure that food is safe. Local outbreaks can quickly turn into international emergency situations because of the speed and variety of distribution of products. Infected foodborne diseases have been reported on every continent during the past 10 years, usually intensified by global trade.

Some examples include the contamination of meat products that are ready to eat in the form of Listeria monocytogenes in South Africa in 2017/18, which led to 1060 cases of listeriosis and death toll of 216. In this instance, the contaminated products were shipped to 15 countries within Africa which required an international response in order to implement precautions to manage risk.